As with everything right now, Oregon hunting regulations and requirements for 2020 are ever-changing. Recently Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) posted an update that the Spring bear tag application deadline has been extended to May 1st, even though the season is already open. This is great news if you forgot to apply amidst the mayhem of quarantine (or if this awesome blog persuaded you to give it a try)! All you need for a guided hunt with us is your 2020 Oregon Hunting License and Spring bear tag.

Conditions for Spring bear are great this year compared to recent seasons. Minimal snow pack should have bears moving earlier and will also provide access to higher elevations early in the season. Grass and forage is already abundant– clear cuts are lush and enticing for hungry bears coming our of hibernation. One of the main differences between hunting Spring and Fall bear is the primary food source for locating them. In Fall, it is common to find them devouring ripe berries versus grass and grubs in the Spring. Another difference is preparing for changing weather conditions. As is usual for southern Oregon, the forecast could be wet and cool or sunny and hot. Make sure to dress in layers that accommodate a changing climate throughout the day.
So you go on a Spring bear hunt and are successful, awesome! Now what? How to use and prepare bear meat is a frequent question we get. It’s common to talk to hunters that say bear meat is only good in smoked applications. While we love a good bear salami or summer sausage paired with cheese on a summer day– don’t think that’s the only option. Ground into burger, bear can be delicious and is leaner than other game meat. We like to use it in traditional barbecue patties, tacos, or breakfast gravy over hot biscuits.